Please notify your tutor as soon as you realize you will be running late. You can contact your tutor through Skype or use our preferred communication channels to send a message.
To ensure a smooth learning experience, our tutors are required to wait for 15 minutes from the scheduled start time of your class for you to connect on Skype.
Paid Classes: If, after the 15-minute grace period, you have not connected to Skype to start the class, it will be treated as having been taken, and you will be charged in full for the lesson.
Trial Classes: For trial classes, if you do not connect within the 15-minute grace period, your tutor will mark you as a No Show.
We encourage punctuality to make the most of your learning time and to respect the schedules of both you and your tutor. If you anticipate being late, please communicate with your tutor as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.