If you’re planning a trip to Portugal, learning some essential European Portuguese words and phrases can significantly enhance your experience. Although many Portuguese people speak English, especially in tourist areas, making an effort to use the local language can make communication easier and show respect for the country’s culture. In this guide, we’ll explore essential vocabulary for those visiting Portugal, including useful phrases for ordering food, asking for directions, making reservations, and much more.

Useful Phrases for Arrival and Hotel Check-in
hotel check-in vocabulary, basic portuguese phrases for tourists
You’ve arrived in Portugal, and the first thing you need to do is check in at your hotel. Here are some useful phrases for this moment:
Common Check-in Phrases:
- Tenho uma reserva em nome de [teu nome]. – I have a reservation under the name [your name].
- Posso ver a sua identificação, por favor? – May I see your ID, please?
- Qual é o número do quarto? – What is the room number?
- A que horas é o check-out? – What time is check-out?
- Pode chamar um táxi para mim por favor? – Can you call a taxi for me please?
- Há Wi-Fi no quarto? – Is there Wi-Fi in the room?
Useful Vocabulary:
- Reserva: reservation
- Quarto: room
- Cartão de crédito: credit card
- Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi (pronounced “weefee” in Portugal)
- Chave/cartão: key/card
- Check-in/check-out: check-in/check-out
Phrases for Ordering Food and Drinks at Restaurants
Keywords: phrases for ordering food in Portuguese, restaurant vocabulary in Portugal
One of the most exciting parts of visiting Portugal is trying the local food. Here are essential phrases and vocabulary for ordering in cafes and restaurants:
Phrases for Ordering Food:
- Queria ver a ementa, por favor. – I would like to see the menu, please.
- O que recomenda? – What do you recommend?
- Queria pedir [prato], por favor. – I would like to order [dish], please.
- Pode trazer a conta, por favor? – Can you bring the bill, please?
- Está delicioso! – It’s delicious!
Phrases for Drinks:
- Um copo de vinho tinto/branco, por favor. – A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Uma garrafa de água com gás/sem gás, por favor. – A bottle of sparkling/still water, please.
- Queria um café, por favor. – I would like a coffee, please.
Useful Vocabulary:
- Ementa: menu
- Prato do dia: dish of the day
- Entrada: appetizer/starter
- Prato principal: main course
- Sobremesa: dessert
- Conta: bill
- Garfo/faca/colher: fork/knife/spoon
- Copo: glass
Phrases for Asking and Giving Directions
Keywords: phrases for asking directions in Portuguese, travel vocabulary in Portugal
Knowing how to ask for and give directions can be crucial as you explore Portuguese cities. Here are some useful phrases:
Phrases for Asking Directions:
- Pode dizer-me onde fica [local]? – Can you tell me where [place] is?
- Como chego à estação de comboios? – How do I get to the train station?
- É longe daqui? – Is it far from here?
- Quanto tempo demora a pé? – How long does it take on foot?
Phrases for Giving Directions:
- Vire à esquerda/direita. – Turn left/right.
- Siga em frente. – Go straight ahead.
- Fica perto do centro da cidade. – It’s near the city center.
- Fica a cinco minutos a pé. – It’s five minutes on foot.
Useful Vocabulary:
- Esquerda: left
- Direita: right
- Centro: center
- Próximo/perto: near
- Longe: far
- Cruzamento: intersection
- Semáforo: traffic light
- Rua/estrada: street/road
Phrases for Using Public Transportation
Keywords: public transportation vocabulary in Portuguese, how to use transportation in Portugal
Public transportation in Portugal is quite efficient and a great way to explore cities and regions. Here are phrases to help you navigate:
Phrases for Trains, Buses, and Metro:
- Onde compro o bilhete? – Where do I buy the ticket?
- Um bilhete para [local], por favor. – A ticket to [place], please.
- A que horas parte o próximo comboio/autocarro? – What time does the next train/bus leave?
- Onde é a paragem de autocarro? – Where is the bus stop?
- Este autocarro vai para o centro? – Does this bus go to the city center?
Useful Vocabulary:
- Comboio: train
- Autocarro: bus
- Metro: subway
- Bilhete: ticket
- Estação: station
- Paragem: stop
- Horário: schedule
- Próximo: next
Phrases for Shopping in Stores and Markets
Keywords: shopping phrases in Portuguese, how to shop in Portugal
If you plan to shop in Portugal, whether for souvenirs or local products, here are some useful phrases:
Phrases for Asking Prices and Shopping:
- Quanto custa isto? – How much does this cost?
- Aceitam cartão de crédito? – Do you accept credit cards?
- Posso experimentar? – Can I try it on?
- Queria comprar este/esta [produto]. – I would like to buy this [product].
- Tem um tamanho maior/menor? – Do you have a bigger/smaller size?
Useful Vocabulary:
- Preço: price
- Cartão de crédito/débito: credit/debit card
- Dinheiro: cash
- Tamanho: size
- Fatura/recibo: receipt
Phrases for Emergencies or Urgent Situations
Keywords: emergency vocabulary in Portuguese, how to ask for help in Portugal
It’s always useful to know a few phrases for emergencies, especially when traveling to a foreign country.
Phrases for Emergency Situations:
- Preciso de ajuda! – I need help!
- Chame uma ambulância, por favor. – Call an ambulance, please.
- Onde fica o hospital mais próximo? – Where is the nearest hospital?
- Perdi a minha carteira. – I lost my wallet.
- Fui assaltado. – I was robbed.
Useful Vocabulary:
- Hospital: hospital
- Farmácia: pharmacy
- Polícia: police
- Emergência: emergency
- Ambulância: ambulance
Phrases for Socializing and Interacting with Locals
Keywords: social vocabulary in Portuguese, interacting with locals in Portugal
Interacting with locals can enrich your experience and allow you to get to know Portuguese culture better. Here are some phrases for casual conversations:
Greeting and Courtesy Phrases:
- Olá! – Hello!
- Bom dia/Boa tarde/Boa noite! – Good morning/afternoon/evening!
- Muito obrigado(a). – Thank you very much.
- Por favor. – Please.
- Com licença. – Excuse me.
- Desculpe, não falo muito bem português. – Sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese very well.
Phrases for Casual Conversations:
- És de cá? – Are you from here?
- O tempo está ótimo hoje. – The weather is great today.
- Gostas de viver aqui? – Do you like living here?
Useful Vocabulary:
- Amigo/amiga: friend
- Pessoas: people
- Tempo: weather
- Cidade: city
Conclusion: Ready to Explore Portugal
Learning these essential phrases and vocabulary in European Portuguese can make a big difference in your travel experience in Portugal. With these expressions, you’ll be ready to navigate restaurants, hotels, public transportation, and much more, making your visit smoother and more enjoyable.
Final Tips:
- Practice Before Traveling: Take this guide and practice the phrases out loud to get familiar with the pronunciation.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes: The Portuguese people are very welcoming and will appreciate the effort you make to speak their language, even if you make mistakes.
- Bring a Dictionary or App: Keep a translation app on your phone for unexpected situations.
With this vocabulary, you’re ready to explore everything Portugal has to offer, from its beautiful landscapes to its warm hospitality.
If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of Portuguese, there are several great resources available!
You can book personalized Portuguese lessons with us, tailored to help you build your language skills effectively and enjoyably. You can book a free trial lesson here. Additionally, our podcast is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in European Portuguese, with each episode designed to enhance your listening skills and introduce you to everyday vocabulary and expressions. You can listen to it on youtube or spotify.
For those who want even more resources, you can also subscribe to our Patreon, where you’ll find a wealth of free materials, including cheat sheets, pronunciation guides, and other helpful printables.

Start exploring these options to accelerate your Portuguese learning journey!